Schedule of Events | Symposia

Second and Foreign Language Learning in Autistic Adults

Poster Session E - Monday, March 31, 2025, 2:30 – 4:30 pm EDT, Back Bay Ballroom/Republic Ballroom

Catherine Caldwell-Harris1 (; 1Boston University

Introduction. Little is known about autistic adults’ experiences of second and foreign language learning (called, additional language learning). In our team’s prior qualitative study, autistic adults reported learning via grammar books and self-study and being interested in language history and structure, reminiscent of what has been reported for polyglots. Method. A survey assessed methods of learning, self-reported ratings and ‘can do’ scales (e.g., order at a restaurant, read a newspaper). Autism and systemizing traits were measured. Phonological pattern recognition was assessed via Sound it out' and sound symbolism tasks. Sensitivity to grammatical structure was measured with a part of speech determination. A surprise memory test was based on previously seen nonsense words. Completed surveys were obtained from 114 self-identified autistic adults and 112 Neurotypical adults, who were recruited online. Respondents reported a wide variety of native languages and ranged in age from 18 to 59. Results. Autistic participants reported studying on average 2.7 foreign languages compared to 1.4 reported by neurotypical learners, but learned their languages less well. Autism Quotient scores correlated positively with Parts of Speech and Sound it Out tests. Many autistic learners reported learning via self-taught methods and online media, whereas neurotypicals were more likely to learn via a classroom, social interaction and immersion. Autistic respondents more often answered affirmatively to the open-ended question, Has learning an additional language improved communication in your first language? Conclusion. Foreign language learning could be an intervention to improve social functioning, for at least some persons with autism.

Topic Area: LANGUAGE: Other

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