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Data Blitz Sessions
Data Blitz Session 1
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Grand Ballroom
Moderator: Dr Alexa Tompary, Drexel University
Talk 1 - Coupled sleep rhythms in the human hippocampus support memory consolidation
Manqi Sha1; 1University of Oxford
Talk 2 - Statistical Learning with Inner Speech Suppression – Behavioral and ERP Evidence from an Artificial Grammar Learning Task in Children
Ziyi Cao1; 1MGH Institute of Health Professions
Talk 3 - Learning and sleep reshape the representational geometry of visual experiences
Xianhui He1; 1University of Oxford
Talk 4 - Beta Bursting During Naturalistic Speech Processing
Lindsey Power1; 1McGill University
Talk 5 - Consistent alignment of saccades and alpha oscillations supports the neural representation and memory encoding of visual objects
Graham Flick1,2; 1Baycrest Centre, 2University of Toronto
Talk 6 - The cerebellar components of the human language network
Colton Casto1,2; 1Harvard University, 2MIT
Talk 7 - What aspects of familiarity are linked to the volumes of the perirhinal and entorhinal cortices, the first regions affected in Alzheimer’s disease?
Anaïs Servais1; 1GIGA Research CRC Human Imaging, University of Liège
Talk 8 - Regional Brain Age Patterns Predict Aphasia Outcomes
Ansley Martin1; 1University of South Carolina - Columbia
Talk 9 - Earworms, memory consolidation, and neural replay for recently heard music
Benjamin M. Kubit1; 1Northeastern University
Talk 10 - Towards a Unified Theory of Memory for Similar Episodes
Andrew yonelinas1; 1University of California Davis
Talk 11 - fMRI Exploration Of Mind-Wandering And Memory Consolidation
Devayani Joshi1; 1Drexel University
Talk 12 - Distinct Roles of N300 and N400 in Semantic Priming
Hannah Kim1; 1University of Maryland, College Park
Talk 13 - Concept Feature Diagnosticity: a new metric to quantify conceptual access
Anna M. Keresztesy1,2; 1Carnegie Mellon University, 2University of Rochester
Talk 14 - Novelty in everyday life promotes memory for real-world autobiographical events
Victoria Schelkun1; 1Columbia University
Talk 15 - Foraging in conceptual spaces: neurophysiological mechanisms of mental search in semantic memory
Simone Viganò1,2; 1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy
Data Blitz Session 2
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Independence Ballroom
Moderator: Dr Carmen Westerberg, Texas State University
Talk 1 - Capacity not required: A long-term memory model that exhibits key signatures of working memory
Sean Polyn1; 1Vanderbilt University
Talk 2 - Understanding ADHD through naturalistic fMRI data: symptoms & whole-brain connectivity
Ash Chinta1; 1Dartmouth College
Talk 3 - Exploring the role of selective attention in decision rule representation
Liam P. McMahon1; 1Brandeis University
Talk 4 - Investigating the mechanisms of multisensory divided attention in humans
Samara Glazer1; 1Brandeis University
Talk 5 - Flexible gaze reinstatement during working memory for natural scenes
Yueying Dong1; 1University of California, San Diego
Talk 7 - Disentangling the neural responses to overlapping visual streams of task stimuli and emotional distractors in a sustained attention task
David Rothlein1,2; 1National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, 2Boston Attention and Learning Lab (BALLAB), VA Boston Healthcare System
Talk 8 - Subcortical dynamics during failures in maintaining alertness after sleep restriction in the human brain.
Ewa Beldzik1,2; 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2Massachusetts General Hospital
Talk 9 - Microsaccades strongly modulate but do not necessarily cause the N2pc EEG marker of spatial attention shifts in perception and working memory
Freek van Ede1; 1Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Talk 10 - Synchronized music and rhythmic visual stimulation increases theta-gamma phase-amplitude coupling in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Arun Asthagiri1; 1Northeastern University
Talk 11 - Frontostriatal white matter connectivity: longitudinal development through adolescence and associations with reward and executive control processes
Vanessa Lozano Wun1; 1University of Minnesota
Talk 12 - Investigation of single- and multi-electrode anodal tDCS for enhancing executive function: Implications for simplified protocols
Megan O'Connor1; 1Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Talk 13 - Examining the Physiological and Cognitive Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia Training (IH) in Healthy Adults.
Denait Haile1; 1Western University
Talk 14 - A novel framework to link insight to general brain mechanisms
Maxi Becker1,2; 1Humboldt University Berlin, 2Duke University
Talk 15 - Structural Network Efficiency and Self-Reported Cognitive Symptoms After Sports-Related Concussion
Heather C Bouchard1,2; 1Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Data Blitz Session 3
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Constitution A
Moderator: Dr Elisabetta Ambron, University of Pennsylvania
Talk 1 - Distraction-related Disruption of Ruminative Thoughts
Natalie M. Nielsen1; 1Radboud University Medical Centre, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Talk 2 - Stepping Into VR: Embodied sense of presence in a virtual environment mediates physiological and behavioral indices of fear
William R. Lopez1; 1New College of Florida
Talk 3 - Across- but Not Within-Category Speech Discrimination Is Associated with Individual Phonological Awareness
Heesu Yun1; 1Northeastern University
Talk 4 - The interplay between temporal memory coding and affect dynamics
Mengsi Li1; 1University of California, Santa Barbara
Talk 5 - Neurophysiological correlates of awe
Lorenzo Pasquini1; 1University of California San Francisco
Talk 6 - Delta-frequency EEG synchrony tracks shared audience engagement with live dance performances.
Laura Rai1; 1Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, Alexandra House, 17 Queen Square, London, UK
Talk 7 - Using Motor Performance of the SISL Task to Identify Psychosis-Related Clinical Risk
Ziyan Y. Han1; 1Northwestern University
Talk 8 - Me or Us? Mine or Yours? Here or There? Neural and behavioral responses of prediction in Joint Action
Rosari Naveena Selvan1,2; 1University of Münster, 2University of Göttingen
Talk 9 - Differences in the timing of action preparation in people who stutter
Irene Echeverria-Altuna1,2; 1Yale University, 2University of Oxford
Talk 10 - Common and distinct neural correlates of social interaction perception and theory of mind
Zizhuang Miao1; 1Dartmouth College
Talk 11 - Evaluating the Neurophysiological Evidence for Cross Modal Expectations using Alpha Oscillations
Soukhin Das1; 1Department of Psychology and Center for Mind and Brain, University of California Davis
Talk 12 - Within-individual neural patterns differ for memories of self- and other-generated interpretations of the same stimuli
Clara Sava-Segal1; 1Dartmouth College
Talk 13 - Hierarchical prefrontal contributions to perceptual decision-making
Xinxu Shen1; 1University of California, Riverside
Talk 14 - Adaptive inhibitory feedback mechanisms for perceptual learning
Zsofia Zavecz1; 1University of Cambridge
Talk 15 - Generative modeling tools for characterizing human higher visual cortex
Margaret M Henderson1; 1Carnegie Mellon University
Data Blitz Session 4
Saturday, March 29, 2025, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT, Constitution B
Moderator: Dr Yuta Katsumi, Harvard Medical School
Talk 1 - The Connectivity Crisis
Ole Jensen1; 1Department of Experimental Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Talk 2 - Slow wave stimulation using a smartwatch improves sleep quality
Nathan W Whitmore1; 1MIT
Talk 3 - Activating the Path to Recovery: TMS-Evoked Functional Connectivity Response Predicts Clinical Changes in Closed-Loop Accelerated rTMS for Depression
Gavin Doyle1; 1Medical University of South Carolina
Talk 4 - Differential contributions of dopamine D1- and D2-receptor-expressing neurons in the prelimbic cortex during approach-avoidance conflict in rats
Thays Brenner dos Santos1; 1University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Talk 5 - Between-movie variability severely limits generalizability of “naturalistic” neuroimaging
Simon Leipold1; 1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Radboud University
Talk 6 - Globus pallidus iron levels relate to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer‘s disease: Evidence from an in vivo MRI-based meta-analysis
Marthe Mieling1; 1Department of Psychology, University of Lübeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23562 Lübeck, Germany
Talk 7 - Dev-Atlas: A new Reference Atlas of Functional Brain Networks for Adolescents
Gaelle Doucet1; 1Boys Town National Research Hospital, Boys Town, NE, USA
Talk 8 - Detection of language network during free speech using Optically Pumped Magnetometers (OPMs)
Josefina Weinerova1; 1School of Psychology, University of Nottingham
Talk 9 - Neuroimmunological Mechanisms of Psychosis - a Network Perspective with The Virtual Brain
Christoph V. M. Huettl1,2; 1Berlin Institute of Health at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany, 2Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin, Department for Neurology and Experimental Neurology, Brain Simulation Section, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Talk 10 - Real-Time Modulation of Reinforcement Learning Using Closed-Loop TMS-EEG
Yifan Gao1; 1Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers University – Newark
Talk 11 - BrainEffeX: A web app for exploring fMRI effect sizes
Hallee Shearer1; 1Northeastern University
Talk 12 - Examining the neural bases of spontaneous mental experiences with real-time fMRI
Tiara Bounyarith1; 1Drexel University
Talk 13 - Neural and experiential correlates of subsequent memory during movie-watching
Raven Wallace1; 1Queen's University
Talk 14 - Tracking the temporal dynamics of conceptual learning during a STEM lecture
Yeongji Lee1; 1Dartmouth College
Talk 15 - Causal knowledge is embedded in semantic networks
Miriam Hauptman1; 1Johns Hopkins University