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Four Key Networks Across the Lifespan: A Precision fMRI Study

Poster Session A - Saturday, March 29, 2025, 3:00 – 5:00 pm EDT, Back Bay Ballroom/Republic Ballroom

Ashley Jaimes1 (, Diana Perez2, Gretchen Wulfekuhle1,3, Ally Dworetsky1,4, Nathan Labora1,5, Zach Ladwig2, Mackenzie Mitchell1, Caterina Gratton1,2,6; 1Florida State University, 2Northwestern University, 3University of North Carolina, 4Washington University, 5University of Minnesota, 6University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Aging is a universal process, yet its impact varies across individuals. While some individuals experience significant decline, others maintain cognitive abilities comparable to younger individuals. Research shows that brain networks change as we age, with less connectivity within-networks, and more connectivity between networks, leading to reduced segregation. These changes are apparent in association networks critical to cognitive function. Precision fMRI shows that brain network features, including size, shape, and borders between network regions, differ significantly between people. This variability emphasizes the importance of individualized brain mapping to better understand age-related changes in brain networks. The current study uses precision fMRI to investigate resting-state functional connectivity across the adult lifespan (N = 159, ages 18-75) in four association networks: the Default Mode Network, Frontoparietal, Cingulo-Opercular, and Salience Network. We used three individual network mapping methods (MSHBM [Kong et al., 2019], template matching [Gordon et al., 2017], and Infomap [Rosvall and Bergstrom, 2008]). We found that the frontoparietal network is significantly smaller with age (MSHBM p < 0.005; template matching p < 0.001; Infomap p < 0.005). Results in other networks were less consistent across methods and individuals. These findings may contribute to the patterns of desegregation in association networks observed in previous studies. Finally, the results underscore the value of considering individual differences in brain network organization in aging.

Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Development &aging

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