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Poster F39 - Sketchpad Series
Clinical Correlation of Stereopsis to Dementia Diagnosis in a Memory Clinic
Poster Session F - Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 8:00 – 10:00 am EDT, Back Bay Ballroom/Republic Ballroom
Rui Huang1 (, Surya Sunil2, Viviana Obando3, Malini Nair4, Anil K Nair5; 1Alzheimer Disease Center
Background: We attempted to find if depth perception as measured by stereopsis can be used as an early biomarker for preclinical dementia diagnosis. Methods: The study was conducted at the Alzheimer Disease Center, a suburban memory clinic serving the south shore of Boston MA. We collected retrospective data by chart review on patients during the period July 2010 to December 2024. A retrospective database search included subjects with memory impairment with a diagnosis code and stereopsis score. All data analyses were performed using R version 4.3.1. Spearman Correlation was performed for univariate correlations of age and education. Normality analyses determined the use of Kruskal-Wallis Chi Square test for predicting diagnosis codes. Results: We identified 748 subjects with stereopsis and diagnosis code. Mean Stereopsis was 7.01 (SD 4.27), mean age was 70 (SD 14.18), mean education 12.8 years (SD 3.27), 85.11% Caucasians and 58.87% females. Stereopsis negatively correlated with age (r=-0.207 p.value<0.0001) and positively with education (r=0.347, p<0.0001). We found a significant association of stereopsis to the initial diagnosis code in the clinic (Kruskal Wallis Chi=28.9, p=0.000008). Conclusion: A pilot study of stereopsis for predicting dementia diagnosis in a memory clinic showed a significant univariate association. Further study including creation of multivariate models is needed.
Topic Area: METHODS: Other