Large-scale synchronized networks control stability and flexibility in cognition
Poster Session B - Sunday, March 30, 2025, 8:00 – 10:00 am EDT, Back Bay Ballroom/Republic Ballroom
Julia Ericson1 (, Nieves Ruiz Ibanez1, Mikael Lundqvist1, Torkel Klingberg1; 1Karolinska Institutet
A key question in cognitive neuroscience is how the brain alternates between functional states. For instance, in working memory (WM), the temporal coordination of brain states is essential. When relevant stimuli are presented, the brain should be in an encoding state, and else it should be in a stable state, maintaining stored information and suppressing distractions. Using two magnetoencephalography (MEG) datasets collected during WM tasks, we identified global brain states based on synchronized networks in the theta and alpha frequency bands. Specifically, we identified an encoding state dominated by posterior theta synchronization and a maintenance state dominated by dorsal alpha synchronization. While the theta synchronization decreased with WM load, the dorsal alpha synchronization increased. To better understand the state mechanics, we simulated the influence of the maintenance and encoding networks on information flow using an in-silico brain model. The model incorporated a spiking cortical layer and an oscillatory cortical layer, interacting through phase-amplitude coupling. The simulations showed that the states differentially modulated information flow between visual and higher-order association areas. Finally, we investigated how the frequency of state-switches correlated with both WM task performance during brain scanning and outcomes on a separate battery of tests assessing executive functions and perception. We identified an optimal state switching frequency, where too many or too few state switches lead to worse behavioral performance. These results suggest that the ability to regulate state transitions is a fundamental aspect of cognition.
Topic Area: EXECUTIVE PROCESSES: Working memory