The third day of CNS 2023 in San Francisco included 4 symposia — on topics ranging from the a neurocomputational account of agency to how the brain continues to learn development, brain damage and competing demands — 2 poster sessions, the Young Investigator Award lectures by Anna Schapiro and Freek […]
The second day of CNS 2023 was packed with 6 stimulating symposia — on topics ranging from data science and electrophysiological studies of human memory to how the human brain forgets information and learning and generalization in people and machines — two poster sessions, a DEI workshop, and the George […]
Sunday, March 26, 2023 – San Francisco – Forgetting is not always easy. If you have ever tried to erase that annoying earworm from your mind or stop thinking about whether you locked the door after leaving the house, you know how disruptive it can be to think about something […]
The 30th annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2023) kicked off in San Francisco with a fantastic line-up, including the Data Blitz session, a special symposium celebrating 30 years of cognitive neuroscience, Poster Session A, and the keynote lecture by Martha Farah about using cognitive neuroscience as a […]
CNS 2023 Q&A: Martha Farah What can neuroscience contribute to our understanding of poverty? Can it, or is it like the proverbial bicycle to the fish, unrelated and without value? This is the heart of what Martha Farah, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, will discuss in her […]
CNS 2023 Q&A: Anna Schapiro Machine learning and artificial intelligence continue to progress, with much focus lately on new innovations like ChatGP, a chatbot that can give, sometimes shockingly, detailed responses to a variety of questions. In the background of these developments, cognitive neuroscientists continue to work to understand what […]
CNS 2023 Q&A: Freek van Ede When people think about memory, they often think about the past, about looking backward. But for Freek van Ede, memory, in particular working memory, is about looking forward. “Sometimes I think that the term ‘memory’ has lured us into studying working memory – and […]
CNS 2023 Q&A: Mark D’Esposito Since becoming a neurologist more than 30 years ago, Mark D’Esposito has seen thousands of patients, many of whom have suffered frontal lobe syndromes, learning every day in his clinic. “Some of what I learn helps guide my research that strives to understand the function […]
CNS 2023 Q&A with Sabine Kastner In high school and then into undergraduate school, Sabine Kastner was most interested in the humanities: literature, history, and philosophy. But she would have a formative experience attending a public “Christmas Lecture” by neurologist and neurophysiologist Otto Creutzfeldt in the mid-1980s about the connection […]
Our daily lives are full of many decisions – from what to eat for breakfast to what tasks to prioritize in the day. While we make many of these decisions on our own, many are also made with others, such as deciding with your family where to go out to […]