credit: Modestas Jonauska

How the Developing Brain Moves from Cooties to Crushes

April 17, 2015

For the first time, researchers have found the signals for “cooties” and “crushes” in the developing brain. In a new study, cognitive neuroscientists have highlighted how the brain responds to gender across a range of ages. Led by Eva Telzer of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, the researchers found that […]

Watch 2 Videos: Anjan Chatterjee and Marta Kutas at CNS 2015

April 13, 2015

Two videos from CNS 2015 are now available: 1. From the origins of Max Factor to the evolutionary role of art, Anjan Chatterjee of the University of Pennsylvania delivered the CNS 2015 keynote address about the neuroscience of art and aesthetics. Watch the full talk here: Check out highlights of […]

Faster Task Switching for Bilinguals?

April 2, 2015

People who speak multiple languages seem to effortlessly shift from one language to another. A logical conclusion from such observations would be that multilingual individuals are better able to switch between tasks. But recent research suggests that is not necessarily the case: In a new study, scientists found that switching […]

Intelligent Neuroprostheses Mimic Natural Motor Control

March 30, 2015

CNS 2015 Press Release March 30, 2015 – San Francisco – Neuroscientists are taking inspiration from natural motor control to design new prosthetic devices that can better replace limb function. In new work, researchers have tested a range of brain-controlled devices – from wheelchairs to robots to advanced limbs – […]

Babies Learn Language Socially

March 29, 2015

“It has to be social.” That’s the advice Patricia Kuhl gave to me and another CNS 2015 attendee following her riveting talk about language development. It doesn’t matter exactly when you introduce a new language to a child under 7, she said, as much as it matters that the learning […]

Rats, Reasoning & Rehabilitation: Neuroscientists are Uncovering How We Reason

March 29, 2015

CNS 2015 Press Release March 29, 2015 – San Francisco – Even rats can imagine: A new study finds that rats have the ability to link cause and effect such that they can expect, or imagine, something happening even if it isn’t. The findings are important to understanding human reasoning, […]

5 Lessons from the Neuroscience of Art and Aesthetics

March 28, 2015

The packed CNS 2015 keynote on the neuroscience of art and aesthetics was full of big ideas. Here are 5 to ponder: Beauty exists within the realm of aesthetics but also doesn’t always overlap with art. #CNS2015 — Nick Wan (@nickwan) March 28, 2015 To kick off his keynote lecture, […]

Linking the Past to the Future Through Memory

March 16, 2015

Our past, present, and future are intimately linked by our memories. Scientists know now that the same brain processes we use to remember the past, also help us plan for the future and imagine different possible scenarios. Recent research even suggests that in depressed people, impaired memory not only makes […]

Building Your Brain’s Smell Library

March 11, 2015

Guest Post by Lisa Qu, Northwestern University Beer and neuroscience – an unlikely combination, you might think, for anything other than a collegiate shooting the breeze over drinks. But in my field of study – olfaction – they can be tightly intertwined. I work to uncover the neural mechanisms of […]

From Snow Days to Car Buying, Do People Make Good Decisions?

March 6, 2015

33 School superintendents along the U.S. East Coast had a daunting decision to make this week: With a massive winter storm forecasted, they had to weigh whether to keep the schools open or to close in anticipation of the poor weather. Many factors go into the decision, such as temperature and anticipated […]

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