March 29–April 1 | 2025
CNS 2025 Annual Meeting - March 29 - April 1, 2025
We invite you to join us at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2025 Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 1, 2025 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA! #CNS2025 We will have a full schedule of events slated for this year's meeting that will include Invited Symposia, Symposia, Several Poster Sessions, a Keynote Address as well as our Annual George A. Miller Award Lecture, Distinguished Career Contributions Award Lecture and Young Investigators Award Lecture.
Last Year
Sheena Josselyn, Peter Kok and Ella Striem-Amit. The meeting was a great success and we hope to see you all at CNS 2025 in Boston!
About CNS Annual Meeting
Each year The Cognitive Neuroscience Society holds and annual meeting in the spring. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together researchers from around the world to share the latest studies in cognitive neuroscience. This 4 day event is filled with invited symposia, symposia, posters, awards, a keynote address, and most importantly the opportunity to connect with colleagues.
The Cognitive Neuroscience Society works diligently to schedule the annual meeting in a way that minimizes conflicts with other conferences, religious observances, and major political or social events. However, due to the numerous factors involved in planning, it is not always possible to avoid all potential conflicts. Nevertheless, the society remains committed to making every effort to accommodate the needs of all our members when scheduling the annual meeting.
Code of Conduct
The Cognitive Neuroscience Society is committed to providing a safe and professional environment during our annual meeting. All CNS members are expected to conduct themselves in a business-like and professional manner. It is unlawful to harass a person or employee because of that person’s sex or race. Harassment is defined by any situation that creates a hostile or offensive work environment.